We look forward to welcoming you to campus during our orientation program. You will have the opportunity to meet other members of your class, engage with current Endicott students, interact with various faculty and administrators, and learn about Endicott's academic and community expectations.  

Questions? We’re here for you! Email us anytime at orientation@endicott.edu with any questions. 

Important Dates

Summer "June" Orientation:
Students choose one of the three sessions to attend.
June 24
June 25
June 26

These three day, two night sessions are optional and limited to 50 students each session, Fee for Onboard session is $150.
July 8-10
July 14-16
July 23-25
July 29-31
August 3-5

Fall "August" Orientation will be:
August 23-26

First day of classes:
August 26