Gabrielle Watling came to Endicott from Australia, via Mexico. She has a Doctor of Philosophy in Post-Colonial fiction from James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, and teaches a variety of Literary and Honors classes. She enjoys presenting at conferences, and closely follows international politics and New England sports teams.
James Cook University
Doctor of Philosophy in English
James Cook University
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in English
Conference paper: “Last Man Standing: Pinter’s Lenny, Fleming’s Bond, and Britain’s Lost post-War Prestige.” North East Conference on British Studies, Endicott College October 13, 2017.
Conference paper: “She looked a smart woman, she might have expensive ideas”: Clothes, Dressing, and Modern Morality in Muriel Spark.” Alternative Modernisms Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, May 16-18, 2013.
Conference paper: “"Her mind in so great a degree formed by his care": The “good servant” in Mansfield Park and Nervous Conditions. Mid Atlantic Conference on British Studies, CUNY Lehman College, NYC, New York, March 23 & 24, 2013.
ENG102 Introduction to Literary Studies
ENG214 British Literature from the 18th century to the Present
ENG260 Gothic Literature
ENG361 Victorian Secrets
ENG365 Shakespeare
HON200 Honors Seminar