Faculty Who Are Experts in the Classroom—and in their Field
At Endicott College, faculty engage with students in research, partner in projects that transcend our community, and quickly assume the role as mentors. Above that, our faculty are actively engaged in their respective fields. That means, our students are not only instructed by professors who teach, but also by scholars and professionals across disciplines who share from experience.
Over the course of the last year, our faculty have been busy. Here is a list of books published from May 2018 to May 2019 and the faculty who authored them.
Assistant Dean of Graduate Education, Lynne Celli
Celli’s book, Educating the Experienced: Challenges and Best Practices in Adult Learning, was co-authored by Adjunct Professor, Dr. Nicholas D. Young, and Melissa Mumbry. The book addresses how adult learners bring with them a unique set of skills and how educators can meet their needs.
Assistant Dean of Social Sciences, Josh McCabe
McCabe’s comparative analysis, The Fiscalization of Social Policy: How Taxpayers Trumped Children in the Fight Against Child Poverty, takes readers through a critical examination of social policy over the last 70 years.

Salahi’s book, Outbreak Culture: The Ebola Crisis and the Next Epidemic, co-authored with Professor of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology and of Immunology & Infectious Diseases at Harvard University, Pardis Sabeti, is a work of narrative nonfiction that describes the challenges of infectious disease outbreak response.
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Rimonda Maroun
Maroun’s research book, Contextual Characteristics in Juvenile Sentencing, assesses how community-based factors affect juvenile court outcomes and considers the relevant implications for the current state of juvenile justice processing. This monograph is essential reading for those engaged in youth and juvenile justice efforts and scholars interested in issues surrounding race, class, social policy, and justice.
Assistant Professor of Education, Luke Reynolds
Reynolds’ book, Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First, follows well-known people who failed before succeeding. His novel, The Gumazing Gum Girl!, Book 2 Gum Luck (A Gum Girl Novel), follows the exciting adventures of a Gum Girl superhero.
Assistant Professor of English, Elizabeth Winthrop
Winthrop's novel, The Mercy Seat, is listed as No. 1 on the BBC’s “The 10 best books of 2018” list. The novel is set in the Jim Crow-era South and is a town’s account of a traveling electric chair in the hours leading up to the scheduled execution of a young black man for the alleged rape of a white woman.

Associate Director of Graduate Licensure Programs, Bethany Rice
Rice’s book, Global Perspectives on Inclusive Teacher Education, examines inclusive teacher preparation, the underlying challenges educators face, and how to adapt inclusive practices into the classroom based on cultural context.
Professor of Criminal Justice & Victimology, Robert Jerin, & Professor of Psychology, Beverly Dolinsky
Jerin and Dolinsky’s book, Understanding Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Victimological and Psychological Perspective, is a comprehensive overview of elderly abuse and neglect. They are currently teaching a special topics course on the book this spring.
Professor of Philosophy, William Young
Young provides an innovated interpretation of religious listening practices in his book, Listening, Religion and Democracy in Contemporary Boston: God's Ears, which studies the practices of listening of several Boston religious communities, and reflects upon their significance for the practice of democracy.

Inestrosa’s book of poetry, Luna que no cesa/Non Stop Moon (bilingual edition), groups different poetic forms with delicate harmony and makes readers shift their perspective of the way they see the moon.
Professor of Sport Management, Dina Gentile
Gentile’s textbook, Athletic Administration for College, High School, Youth, and Club Sport, explores the skills required to be an effective athletic administrator across many diverse sport settings.