BGrace Bullock
Dr. B Grace Bullock is a professional consultant, psychologist, research scientist, mindfulness educator, speaker, science journalist, and author of the acclaimed book, Mindful Relationships: 7 Skills for Success ~ Integrating the Science of Mind, Body & Brain. Her research focuses on physiological and psycho-educational interventions to build stress resilience across the lifespan.
University of Oregon
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
University of Oregon
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
University of California at Los Angeles
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (highest honors, summa cum laude)
University of California at Los Angeles
Certificate in Film and Television Scoring
My program of research focuses on the development and testing of physiological interventions to alleviate stress and mood disorders, and promote mental and physical health and well-being.
Selected Publications
Bullock, B.G. (2016) Mindful Relationships: Seven skills for success - Integrating the science of mind, body and brain (Handspring Publishing).
Bullock, B.G. (2018). Contemplative Science: Are we measuring the immeasurable? In Grimes D., Lin H. and Want Q. (eds) Empirical Studies of Contemplative Practices. New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
Bullock, B. M., & Dishion, T. J. (2007). Family processes and adolescent problem behavior: Integrating relationship narratives into understanding development and change. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46, 396-407.
Stress & Illness: Tools for building stress resilience
Abnormal Psychology
Introduction to Mindfulness
Substance Use and Society